Monday, October 8, 2007

Recent Reader Roundtable Discussion

I just love book discussions! Don't you? I had an absolutely wonderful time on Sunday, discussing Anjuelle Floyd's book, Keeper of Secrets..Translations of an Incident.

Joining me for the roundtable discussion were Dr. Linda Beed, author of the new novel, Business Unusual, and Lisa G. Riley, author of 4 novels and 3 novellas, including, Bound To Ecstasy. My special guest was the author, Anjuelle Floyd, who listened in and joined us as we weaved our way through four of the eight stories; sharing our perspectives on the character's relationships, decisions, and secrets. You can listen to our discussion by clicking onto the media player, or by visiting my archive shows at The Rapturous Reader on blogtalkradio.

If you've read the book, leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts. For example:
  • What was your impression of Raven, and what did you think about her decisions? Did you think there was something else keeping her awake at night, rather than the cries of her baby? Why did you think Raven got involved in the incident?
  • What did you think about Lahni's doubts and choices? Why do you think she kept her secret from her husband? Why was Sahel ambivalent? What did you think about the relationship between her husband and her childhood friend?

Medium Image

1 comment:

Poetic Genesis said...

I haven't read Anjuelle's books yet, but I plan to get it...SOON! Loving the blog layout...all cozy and thangs

stay peace
